Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Janiaks. Generation 1 - Chapter 1: Meet the Janiaks

As we guess I'll introduce myself.

I'm Maggie Janiak.
I'm a total freak.
(Name: Maggie Janiak (nee Deans)
Age: 18
Physical Attributes: Strawberry blond hair, blue/green eyes, pale skin, one beauty mark, slightly pointed ears, and a small frame.
Traits: Evil, Insane, Nurturing, Family Oriented, and Green Thumb.
Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family)

And this dork-

is my husband, Carter. We got married the day I turned 18.

(Name: Carter Janiak
Age: 23
Physical Attributes: Bright red hair, bright green/yellowish eyes, tan skin, freckles, non-pointed ears, and a built physique.
Traits: Grumpy, Artistic, Bookworm, Angler, and Family Oriented.
Lifetime Wish: Surrounded by Family)

As you might notice, my parents old house...

has been destroyed by meteors.
Or, the backyard, and most of the downstairs.
So right now, we're sort of...homeless. For the most part...

"What the hell do you think we should do Carter?!" I screamed. I'm so tired of him just...not doing anything. Ugh. The fire had some major damages in the house. We couldn't afford it on my little nursery gig's pay.
"The nursery is gone! This is my job we're talking about! Jesus Carter I had just gotten a promotion!" I continued to rant and rave.
"What do you mean? I have no clue what we can do! The insurance doesn't cover fire damage." Carter backed off. He knew when I was in my...'mood'...I was unstoppable and especially...mean.
I stormed back upstairs and headed towards my older sister Katherine's house, in order to bitch to her a little bit.

"Kat I don't know what to do anymore. He drives me nuts. And he won't even talk about our family with me. He wants nothing to do with you know.. Mom's uh...crazy dream." I had always looked to my sister with help for anything. But when our mom asked if one of us would continue the family tree for ten generations and having ten children in each generation, I knew Katherine thought it was too much to handle. But I knew I couldn't say no to my momma.
"Maggie I know you want to do the right thing here, but maybe if you've been cheating on Carter, that means you need to let him go?" I looked at her like she was crazy.
"Yeah right Kat. I can't leave Carter. We just need a way to work through this...I guess."

Carter and I met in high school (when I was 16 and a sophomore and he was 18 and a senior). He had been in foster care system and just so happened to be with a foster home that had him attend the same high school as me.
We fell in love like, immediately. I was head over heels.
We may have been a little bit, too...enthusiastic. I ended up getting pregnant. Carter moved into my mom and dad's basement and we waited for our baby to arrive.
Unfortunately I went into labor early and due to complications, our baby was born stillborn.
I haven't ever really been the same ever since, and Carter and I haven't been as close.
I think we only stayed together because we need each other.

But anyway, we got married way too young and way too soon.
And after a while, Carter started to drift away, and I started to...
drift away as well. I guess.
(If you didn't notice, that's not me and Carter's bed.)
Carter recently found out about me cheating on him (apparently the guy works with him), about a couple of hours before the meteor shower. And we had a huge fight.
"Maggie how could you do this to me?" He said, leaning in towards me. I honestly had no answer, so I just whispered, "You drove me to doing this! You don't love me anymore!" Those were lies, but I don't think he could handle the fact that I had been sleeping with another man for over 3 months.

"We're married for Christ's sake Mags! Marriage! 'Till death do us part'! It's supposed to be YOU-" He pointed at me, "and ME! Not anyone else. Maggie I love you so much, what did I do wrong? Is it because we lost our baby-"

"No Carter! I just. I don't know." I had no answer for him.

And a few hours later, while I was doing chores to get my mind off our fight...
the meteors struck and destroyed half the house.

That night we stayed in our old room in my parents' basement.

The next morning I went upstairs and started looking for a new house, because there was no way I was staying after our house had been destroyed my meteors.

"Hey Carter!" I yelled out to him, maybe he would want to talk to me now, since it'd been a whole day since our fight.

"What do you think about this one?" I asked him.
"Maggie. We can only afford something under 20,000. We're broke." I sighed as he walked away. Turns out our conversations were short lived that entire day.

But finally I had found the perfect house...

and Carter even agreed to go and see it with me.

Until next time...

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