Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Janiaks. Generation 1 - Chapter 5: Party Over Here!

"I hope you know that I'm still really pissed off at you." The twins were three months old now.
"I know," he said, smiling. I was confused. And I wanted to wipe the stupid grin off of his face.
"I wanted to talk to you about what my mom mentioned...-" I started, knowing he would most likely drop the subject.
Carter stopped smiling and looked at me seriously. "Maggie I don't know if I want anymore children."

"What do you mean you don't want anymore kids?" I was practically screaming. Okay...maybe I was screaming..."I just...Jesus... Maggie we just had twins. I can barely keep the repoman off our damn doorstep and you want more expensive monsters running around?" He asked, trying to explain himself I guess.

"But that...I mean. Carter I thought you wanted to do this with me?" I was confused.
"I just..." I stamped out of the nursery and down the hall to our bedroom.
Excuse me. I mean my bedroom.

Carter got the message that I was still mad with him (obviously) and slept in a sleeping bag in the hallway.

Imogen woke everyone in the house up early with her wailing for her "ba-ba". Nothing would console her, not even Peanut.

Carter got up and changed, dressed, and fed her though.

I got up later in the day and tried to revive my dead and dying garden I hadn't really touched in a while. After reviving my tomatoes and apples I decided to go back inside.

Imogen finally learned how to use the potty (with help from Carter). No more diaper changes for her! :D

And Carter surprised me by telling me that he had bought a cake the for the twins birthday. Even though he didn't want any more kids, at least he was taking care of the little ones that we did have.
First was little Eleanor.

She got her daddy's normal ears, some darker blue eyes, and interestingly colored hair. x)

And next was Lucy.

She got her dad's yellow eyes and some of my blondish hair. Her ears seem a little pointed, but its so subtle you can't really notice.

My twin girls look nothing alike, but they sure are adorable.

They love to play with the doll house.
Even though we keep having to buy dolls because Imogen and Lucy keep eating off all of their heads. >:|

Eleanor is the only child who actually plays with the house properly.
And Lucy loves her xylophone.

We had some renovations done to the house. We got rid of the living room and expanded the nursery. It's a little more cramped. But I need room for all of my girls.

The next few weeks passed without incident until we started letting our puppy, Moo, inside. And she's always in the nursery with the girls.

And soon enough it was Imogen's birthday. I couldn't believe it.

She's still such a little cutie! x) She aged up with Angler to add to her Grumpy and Hates the Outdoors traits.
She is becoming her father I swear.

I think this is gunna be me and Carter's Christmas card this year. Ha! I love it.

Until next time...

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